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TKO Boards

Pas de vague ?

No problem

TKO Kinetic ONE redifinit l’expérience du surf

Lors d’une sortie en mer, c’est à vous de créer vos propres vagues. Sur nos Jet board vous aurez cette sensation de surfer que vous pouvez retrouvez en snow ou kit surf.

What if we told you that you can still surf without waves?

Let’s redefine the surf

Le modèle TKO Kinetic ONE, mesurant 1 m 89 de long, utilise une batterie lithium-ion qui offre jusqu’à 45 minutes d’autonomie minimum avec une seule charge et peut aller jusqu’à 55 km h.

Believe us, 45 minutes of use may seem too short and not worth it, but it is the best time you can get for a jet surf board. And did we mention that the battery is exchangeable? So yeah, take a break for a while to change the battery, and you're ready to ride again.

Concernant la sécurité, la TKO Kinetic ONE dispose également d’un système de fixation de pieds de type snowboard qui permet de se tenir fermement sur la planche lors de session à grande vitesse ou effectue un virage agressif.

Mais que se passe-t-il si vous tombez dans les vagues ? Un leash de sécurité aimanté vous relie à la planche. En cas de chute, il se détachera et coupera automatiquement le jet. Il vous suffira de reconnecter l’aimant pour repartir.

TKO Kinetic ONE

Created with perfection in mind to allow everyone to surf effortlessly.

Top speed
> 0 km/h
High efficiency motor
0 kW
> 0 min

Une coque en fibre de carbone

L’utilisation de la fibre de carbone est l’impact le plus significatif sur les performances de la TKO Kinetic ONE. Cette conception rend la planche légère elle devient très facile à transporter.

So whether you're a beginner surfer or a pro, the new Kinetic Option surfboard is always ready to create the tightest turns possible.

Les débutants pourront équiper leur planche d’une bouée qui leur permettra d’appréhender leur première vague de façon plus stable. Après avoir acquis l’expérience nécessaire, ils pourront enlever le tube COLLAR et profiter pleinement de la planche TKO.

Did you say you wanted to jump on the waves with the board? Nothing is impossible with TKO Kinetic ONE.

TKO Kinetic ONE

Let's start a new adventure

Venture beyond the shore and discover unknown bodies of water with the TKO Kinetic ONE.

Every mile seems closer, and the once-tiring journey becomes delightful when your surfboard cancreate its own waves.

Join us on our journey towards a marine future that is fully electric and ZERO emissions.

293 Chemin des Vernedes
83480 Puget sur Argens
‭+33 498 134 268‬

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Home / Boards

TKO Boards

Pas de vent ? Pas de vagues ?

No problem

TKO Kinetic ONE redifinit l’expérience du surf

Are you a surfing fan, but the best body of water you can access isn't very windy and, therefore, doesn't have the perfect waves for surfing?

What if we told you that you can still surf without waves?

Let’s redefine the surf

The TKO Kinetic ONE model, measuring 5.9 feet long, uses a lithium-ion battery that provides up to 45 minutes of runtime with a single charge.

Believe us, 45 minutes of use may seem too short and not worth it, but it is the best time you can get for a jet surf board. And did we mention that the battery is exchangeable? So yeah, take a break for a while to change the battery, and you're ready to ride again.

Concerning safety, the TKO Kinetic ONE also has a snowboard-style foot fixation system which allows the rider to hold firmly on the board when riding. at high speeds or makes aggressive turns.

But what happens if you still fall into the waves if the ride gets too bumpy? A strap worn on the body and attached to your waist will keep the board close to you, allowing you to return to the adventure as quickly as possible.

TKO Kinetic ONE

Created with perfection in mind to allow everyone to surf effortlessly.

Top speed
> 0 km/h
High efficiency motor
0 kW
> 0 min

The carbon fiber body

The use of carbon fiber is the most significant impact on the performance of the TKO Kinetic ONE. This “complexly simple” design makes the board so light that it is virtually half the weight of any conventional surfboard.

While the Awake RÄVIK S 22 weighs up to 43 kg (95 lb), the TKO Kinetic ONE only weighs less than 18 kg (40 lb).

This massive weight reduction allows the rider to reach a maximum speed of 34 mph.

So whether you're a beginner surfer or a pro, the new Kinetic Option surfboard is always ready to create the tightest turns possible.

Did you say you wanted to jump on the waves with the board? Nothing is impossible with TKO Kinetic ONE.

TKO Kinetic ONE

Let's start a new adventure

Venture beyond the shore and discover unknown bodies of water with the TKO Kinetic ONE.

Every mile seems closer, and the once-tiring journey becomes delightful when your surfboard cancreate its own waves.

Join us on our journey towards a marine future that is fully electric and ZERO emissions.